Exploring business opportunities, providing tax-related advice and legal assistance in relation to sponsorship, partnership and procurement contracts
For Market Players
The sports business is one of the global sectors that benefits most from technological innovation, with the multiplication of earnings opportunities for all market players: from clubs, federations and organisations through to media partners. Block chain has increased parallel virtual environments, and the impact of social media and interactivity cannot be underestimated: they introduced a structural revolution. The sporting entertainment system has a different purpose. It is no longer a means of circulation or enjoyment; instead, thanks to the potential means of interaction, it is the most important, prevailing mainstream channel for engagement activity and sales.
Today, sporting clubs and federations need and rely on, new earnings opportunities, identifying new markets and new revenue channels. We have a natural approach to seeking out innovation and exploring new business opportunities for market players, including assessing and analysing the legal, tax and financial impact of every transaction.